Friday 27 January 2012

SAINS y kuCintai :)

Sepatutnya kitalah pemimpin yang akan mengubah semua dasar ini untuk generasi kita agar menjadi lebih terbaik. :) t  sy upload pic buktinya :)

Tuesday 29 November 2011


What is your name? One of the cliche question that people usually ask you  in order to begin the conversation with the one that new to them. However, some people don't really like to expose their details to someone that they just know for the sake of security and privacy. In spite of that, me myself don't really have problem on that and i am easily open about it. By the way,  my name is MUHAMMAD FIRDAUS HJ OTHMAN. The name was given by my beloved parents which taken from one of the name of heavens.  I was born in Penang on 25th February 1986. I love reading and surfing the internet. I really love to seek knowledge and until now, i still seeking the knowledge by studying in DPP,semester 5 and i am taking  DEGREE OF MUAMALAT ADMINISTRATION(HONOURS).  By the way, my matric no is 198108. Thanks=)

My recent picture..
My friend and i, in one of the event that i've joined
My sweethearts...abah and mak..=)

P/S :Never say never !

Friday 11 November 2011

Ahahahaha!!!ce tengok...

this is my original cap!

i cant wait anymore!hey guys plez close ur eyes...~

thanks 4 this summon sir..i dont care my dad can pay it!

my long lasting leg..ahaks

how arrrrrrrr??ayyooo...feel so dizzy

my new maid

this is my five times that i told you!

hye hallo everybody!my name is cippulok!

looking 4 hidden

mana satu bapak..mana satu anak weh?

 kubur mat rempit...

ni slh 1 gadget jenama apple aku...ko adooo?

he's like...he's like the baby...he's like..

iron baju badan sendiri..kita tepuk dada ini...haha


Thursday 3 November 2011

What is the meaning of Eid Al-Adha for me...

Well, there will be only 2 days left for Mosleems to celebrate Eid AlAdha..Some of my friends said that,Eid-Adha was celebrated in just  ordinary condition compared to Eid Al-Fitri which is celebrated in very merrier way.

Despite of that, Eid Al-Adha is very important to me as a Mosleem.I still remember,when i was young, after retured back from Eid Al-Adha prayer, i used to follow my father to see the villagers slaughtering the cows..Usually in my village, they use cow not the goat..  At first,i was very scared and pity to see this event especially when the knife was put near to the neck of the cow.However,my father said, if i felt pity to the cow, i cannot eat it..So, to avoid the sense of pity towards the cows, i just closed my eyes and just pretend that i did'nt feel anything to them.

Eid Al-Adha which also known as the festival of sacrifice is a festival that brought the history of Prophet Ibrahim and also his son,Prophet Ismail.It started was when Allah S.W.T asked Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his beloved son,Prophet Ismail.At first,Prophet Ibrahim was very sad and feel hard to do it but after he has been persuaded by his son to obey Allah command,he brought his son to one place to slaughter him.On their way to go to the place,Allah told them that He only want to test the faith of both Prophets and lastly,He rewarded them with a very healthy and big sheep.

From that moment,Eid Al-Adha was celebrated annually by Mosleem on 10 Zulhijjah.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

daihatsu mmg laju..

Daihatsu A-Konsep…? Itulah konsep yang akan digunakan pada Perodua Viva akan datang. Daihatsu A-Concept telah pun dipersembahkan pada showcase di Indonesia pada awal tahun lalu.
A-Konsep telah dibangunkan bersama pakar dari Indonesia dengan sokongan teknikal daripada Daihatsu Jepun. Mengenai A-Konsep yang dibawa ia adalah berbeza iaitu sedikit besar berbanding A-Konsep yang biasa dilihat..Cer tengok design pun boleh tahan le...
terbaikk derr..

formula mencari muka surat juzuk alquran...cuba lah..

Mari berkongsi…..
Cara mudah mencari muka surat dlm Quran..!!!

Mari Kita Cuba ….! 

Al-Quran adalah peninggalan Rasulullah kpd kita semua umatnya. Ada2 benda
yg Nabi Muhammad s.a.w tinggalkan kepada kita iaitu Al-Quran dan juga
Sunnah utk kita semua amalkan. Berapa kali korang baca Al-Quran sehari? 1
kali? 2 kali atau dalam solat sahaja? Pahala paling senang nk dapat adalah
melalui pembacaan Al-Quran kerana setiap huruf diberikan 10 pahala,
tambahan pula Al_Quran adalah kalam Allah (dtg daripada Allah sendiri
bukan diciptakan manusia)
Tip yg nk kongsikan ni adalah cara utk menghafal muka suratsetiap juzuk
Al-Quran. Memang menakjubkan kerana hanya dengan menggunakan formula
matematik ringkas, kita dapat tau muka surat setiap juzuk Al-Quran.

Jom sama2 kita belajar...

Contoh 1     

Jika anda ingin mengetahui Juzuk 5 di halaman ke berapa:
5-1 = 4, 4 perlu didarab dengan 2 jadi 4 x 2 = 8
Letakkan no 2 selepas jawapan.
Jadi, juzuk 5 adalah pada halaman 82
Sekarang lihat pada Quran dan anda akan lihat Juzuk 5 bermula pada halaman
82. Menarikkan?

Contoh 2
Jika anda ingin mengetahui Juzuk 10 di halaman ke berapa:
10-1 = 9, 9 perlu didarab dengan 2 jadi 9 x 2 = 18
Letakkan no 2 selepas jawapan.
Jadi, juzuk 10 adalah pada halaman 182

Contoh 3 
Jika anda ingin mengetahui Juzuk 23 di halaman ke berapa:
23-1 = 22, 22 perlu didarab dengan 2 jadi 22 x 2 = 44
Letakkan no 2 selepas jawapan.
Jadi, juzu 23 adalah pada halaman 442
Subhanallah, memang menakjubkan kawan2. Sama2 kita kongsikan kepada
kawan2 kita, adik2 kita, famili2 kita supaya kita sama2 mendapat pahala…
Dipanjangkan info ini..moga dipanjangkan pahala bagi yg menulisnya dan
berkongsi dengan rahsia Allah ni.